Thursday, September 25, 2008

How to speed up FireFox

Here's how you can speed up FireFox by enabling a few options:

1.) In the address bar, type in "about:config"
2.) In the filter bar, copy and paste the following: "network.http"
3.) Change the following entries:

network.http.pipelining : True
network.http.proxy.pipelining : True
network.http.pipelining.maxrequests : 50
network.http.keep-alive.timeout : 10
network.http.max-connections : 50
network.http.max-connections-per-server : 65
network.http.request.max-start-delay : 2
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy : 30
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server : 32

That's it. :)

Friday, September 19, 2008

How to Edit the Grub Menu in Ubuntu

You can change the GRUB menu in order to list Windows XP as the default OS thus booting it automatically. Here's how to do it:

1.) Boot Ubuntu, and start terminal.

Backup the GRUB menu file: "cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst_BU."

3.) Edit the menu: "sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst."

4.) Locate the line "default = 0."

5.) Edit the line from "default = 0" to "default = 1." Save the file and exit.

6.) Restart the PC. You should notice that Windows XP is at the top of the list.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

How to Access Cookies in VISTA

Here's a quick way to access your cookies on Windows Vista.

Follow these steps in order to access the cookies:

1.) Double click My Computer
2.) Go to the C drive
3.) Go to C:\Users\"Your user"\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Cookies
4.) Alternatively, you can just paste the address in the address bar, but remember to change "Your user" with your user name.

That's it :D

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