Today's generation is the laziest according to scientists. In the last century, a sighting of a fat person was rare, but now a days as technology progresses farther and farther, people tend to sit down all day long while snacking on junk foods like chips while drinking pop.
Many people think that by doing crunches or training their abs, they will burn fat and that is true, but how many calories are we talking about here? Very little is the answer; your muscles don't need a lot of energy to perform contractions and exercise. But, training your abs will help you burn fat more easily. Think of it this way: a car has a small engine therefore uses little gas, but a car with a big engine would use more gas. The same applies to your muscles, the bigger they are, the more fat they burn at rest.
How to burn fat fast:
Most people have a theory that when a person is hungry, he or she would burn more fat on the treadmill then a person who is not. This is not only false, but is quite the opposite of the fact.
When your body is craving for food, it will not use fat for energy unless it has been without food for a week. Instead, it will start using muscle for energy which is the worst thing that could happen. Have you noticed that a big car uses more gas than a small car? That is because the big car's engine is bigger than the small car's. So, if you are planning to lose weight fast, don't workout on an empty stomach on purpose as it will slow down your progress greatly.
Most people believe that reducing the amount of food the body consumes, the more fat it burns which is not true.
The body needs it's daily nutrients like Fat, Carbohydrates, Sugar, and most importantly, protein. Protein is the building factor in the human body as it makes the tissue and the muscle. I can't stress this enough, you need to eat in order to lost weight.
I recommend doing at least 30 minutes of Cardio every day in order to lose fat quickly. Cardio not only burns fat, but it has other health benefits including:
- Lowering Bad Cholestrol
- Maintaining Proper Blood Sugar
- Increasing VO2 Max
- Maintaining a Proper Blood Circulation
- Decreases Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
- And many others
Weight Lifting:
In order to lose weight, you have to put on weight. Weight lifting is an important aspect in fat burning because not only does it incresae muscle mass which burns more fat at rest, but it also raises the human metabolic rate which means you burn more fat when doing nothing at all. Muscle mass is heavier than fat, so don't get shocked when you see that your weight has increased or decresed very slightly.
The benefits of weight lifting include:
- Increased Strength
- Increased Blood Flowing Through the Body
- Increase Metabolic Rate
- Decreased Body Fat
- Decreased Bad Cholestrol
- Stronger Bones
- Stronger Joints
- Positive Posture
- And many more
Long story short; eat your greens. Don't eat fried foods because those pack extra calories and fat that will make you fatter, faster.
I wish you the best of luck on your transformation.