Here's an easy way to get any song you want for free. It will require stereo mix, however. I have already wrote a guide on how to get stereo mix. With stereo mix enabled, you're well on your way to getting the song that you want for free.
How to get any song you want free
- Make sure that stereo mix is enabled
- Click Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Entertainment -> Sound Recorder
- Click the record button (the one with the red circle) and wait until its done
- Now go to File -> Save and save it to some place you'll remember
- Now click Edit -> Insert File and select the file that you just saved
- Repeat step 5 until you get the approximate length of the song
- Google your songs name or go to imeem and search for your song there
- Record your song and save it
- Done
could u jus google the song and download it????