Monday, April 20, 2009

How to recover the grub menu in Ubuntu

After a successful installation of Windows XP or Vista, users find themselves without a grub menu. For those of you who don't know what the grub menu is, it's the start up screen which allows you to either choose Windows or Linux to boot from. So, how do you recover the grub menu in Ubuntu?

  1. Boot Ubuntu from the live CD
  2. Click Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal
  3. Type in the following pressing enter after every line 
    • find /boot/grub/stage1
    • root (hd#,#) where #,# is your drive and partition
    • root (hd#) replace # with your drive
  4. Quit the grub editor
  5. Reboot your system
Hopefully, you have recovered the grub menu and are using Ubuntu again.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

How to be a good boomer in Left 4 Dead

Boomers stand up to their names when used properly. A lot of times, gamers don't use the boomer wisely or correctly and thus cause little to no damage at all to the survivors. Being a good boomer requires patience and the ability to ambush the survivors in wide-open areas.

The most common mistake Left 4 Dead gamers make when playing as boomers is spawning too early. Not only will the survivors hear you, but you will also have wasted a boomer without any purpose whatsoever. The best thing to do is tell your teammates to attack the survivors. This will cause the survivors to be off guard thus causing a successful vomit imminent.

Another thing to take into consideration is where the survivors are located. If they are located in a small closed area, don't bother vomiting on them at all; they are likely to be in a corner attacking the horde as they come. Instead, vomit on the survivors as they enter a wide open space and have your teammates attack as well. By the time they kill your teammates off, the horde will have done serious damage to them.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

How to be a good tank in Left 4 Dead

Tanks are highly destructive when used properly, but most people think that they can just rush in and kill the survivors one by one. That's true in same cases when the survivors are in a closed area like a warehouse or a building. Using a tank properly will not only kill the survivors, but it will also get your team more points. So, how do you be a good tank in left 4 dead?

Strategy is all it takes for you to become a good tank. First and foremost, if the survivors are carrying molotovs with them, then run in and try your best to dodge the molotov. A good example would be running back and forth, that way they can't get an accurate shot. While your waiting for the fire to burn out, pick up a piece of the ground and throw it at them. Keep doing this until the fire has burned out then attack them.

If you are in a wide open space, the best thing to do is punch objects that are big like cars or logs. Not only will you incapacitate them in one blow, but you will also gain as much as 5000 points for one incapicitation.

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