Thursday, February 26, 2009

How to access safe mode in Windows XP / Vista

Accessing safe mode is easier than you think, it only takes a reboot, the simple process of the pressing of a button and some time.

  1. Restart your Computer
  2. At the Screen Splash, repeadetly press F8
  3. Select 'Safe Mode'
  4. Wait for Windows to load
  5. Login to Administrator
  6. You are now successfully in safe mode
That wasn't too hard, was it?

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

How to fix Bx Errors in Blogger

When uploading a template to Blogger, many users find them selves with annoying Bx Errors that can both be frustrating and tiring to figure out. But, lucky for you noobs, I am here to show you how to fix those Bx Errors in Blogger. The cause for the error is not known to me, but I do know of the solution.

  1. Backup your widgets in the template layout
  2. Delete the widgets from the template layout
  3. Reset the widgets to the default in Edit HTML
  4. Download a different browser such as Opera, Chrome, or FireFox
  5. Open the web browser you just downloaded
  6. Go to Blogger and upload the template
This is what I do and to be honest, it has never failed me. I have FireFox, Chrome, Opera and Internet Explorer installed on my computer so when one of the browsers fails to upload the template, I can just open the other one and try again.

Sometimes, the method will fail if you have logged into Blogger on all of the browsers. What you have to do is clear or delete the private data such as the cache and the cookies. What I recommend is downloading CCleaner and analyzing and deleting the data. Not only does this delete the private data in the browsers, but it also deletes other useless memory consuming files that slow down your computer.

I hope this fixes those pesky errors in Blogger.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

How to make Gimp run in one Window on Ubuntu

When I first started Gimp in Ubuntu, I thought the program had not yet loaded because the toolbars and forms were scattered all over the place so I decided to wait 5 minutes for the program to load. After 5 minutes I realized that Gimp was like this by default and that really boiled my blood because I hate applications that run in mutliple windows. Programs should be simple and only run in one window to make life easier for noobs like us. Nevertheless, I found the solution to making Gimp run in one window on Ubuntu.

  1. Open Terminal in Ubuntu
  2. Copy and paste this code: sudo apt-get install xnest metacity gimp
  3. Test it in order to make sure that you have installed the package successfully by copying and pasting this code: Xnest :1 -ac -name GIMP -geometry 1024x690 & metacity --display :1 & gimp --display :1
  4. And your done
That wasn't too hard, was it?

Monday, February 23, 2009

How to reset a linksys router

Resetting a linksys router is very easy. All you need is a pen and some time.

  1. Turn on the linksys router
  2. Get a Pen or a Pencil
  3. At the back of the router, there should be a hole and a label called Reset
  4. Using the pen, press the button in the hole and hold it for 30 seconds
  5. Wait for the WLAN and Internet light to turn on
  6. Your Done
This is useful because sometimes someone could access your router if you haven't setup your wireless security settings. By default, the linksys routers wireless option is enabled and the security is disabled. The person could change your pass if you haven't changed it yet. The default pass is admin and the username is admin.

I hope this helps you.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

How to access a linksys router

Accessing a linksys router is easier than you think. In fact, its so easy, anyone could do it.

  1. Open your favorite Internet Browser
  2. Type in in the address bar and press enter
  3. For the username, type in admin
  4. For the password, also type in admin
  5. Your done
If you are not using wireless Internet, then I suggest you turn it off because anyone with wifi could access your router and hack it.  

Saturday, February 21, 2009

How to speed up the Start Menu in Windows XP / Vista

Here is relatively simple and easy way to speed up the Start Menu drastically.

  1. Click Start
  2. Click Run
  3. Type in regedit and click OK
  5. Expand Control Panel
  6. Click on Desktop
  7. Find 'MenuShowDelay', its value should be 400
  8. Double Click it and change the value to a small number like 10
  9. Close the Registry Editor
  10. Test it out
Enjoy a faster Start Menu :)

Friday, February 20, 2009

How to make a fake virus

How do I make a fake virus is a talked about question which has left thousands clueless, but worry not for I will teach you.

  1. Right Click on the Desktop
  2. Click New Text Document
  3. Type in:
  4. start virus.bat
  5. Click File->Save As
  6. Click on '.txt' and change it to All Files
  7. Name the program virus.bat
  8. And your done
Don't open it yourself because what this program does is that it continuously runs the same program over and over again. Basically, it loops the program infinitely.

Monday, February 16, 2009

How to speed up Windows XP bootup

My Windows XPs bootup speed was always slow and I was always wondering, How do I speed up Windows XPs bootup speed? Then I found a simple way to speed it up.

Just follow these instructions and Windows XPs bootup speed is surely to increase.
  1. Click Start
  2. Click Run
  3. Type in Msconfig and click ok
  4. Click the Services Tab and check 'Hide All Microsoft Services'
  5. Uncheck anything that isn't important there (Don't uncheck your anti-virus!)
  6. Click the Startup Tab
  7. Uncheck anything that isn't needed
  8. Click OK
  9. Done

If Windows XP is still booting up slowly, then you could use a tool called Microsoft Bootvis.

Microsoft Bootvis optimizes the boot-up files in a way that it organizes them to load faster than anything else which in the end, speeds up overall boot-up time for Windows XP.

You can download Bootvis here:

How to use Microsoft bootvis to optimize bootup time:
  1. Start Bootvis
  2. Click Trace
  3. Click Next Boot + Driver Delays
  4. Let Bootvis restart your computer
  5. After your computer has restarted, wait for bootvis to load (if it doesn't load, start bootvis)
  6. Click Trace
  7. Click Optimize System
  8. Let Bootvis reboot your system
  9. Enjoy a faster bootup time

Enjoy your new fast bootup :)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

How to open .rar files

Every download those .rar files and wonder how do you open .rar files?

Well wonder no more because you have come to the right place.

Simply follow these instructions and you'll be able to finally open those .rar files.
  1. Download WinRAR for windows
  2. Install WinRAR
  3. Right Click on the .rar file
  4. Click 'Extract Here'
  5. You're done
That wasn't so hard, was it?

Enjoy your new computer abilites. :)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

How to make a program in Visual Basic

In order to make a program, one must first know a language in which one can 'talk' to the computer. For example, in order to tell a French waiter what you want, you must first know how to communicate with the waiter. Since the waiter is French, he or she must obviously know the French language. Also, the waiter could know a few other languages, including English.

A computer acts the same way as a waiter. In order for you to communicate with it, you must first know its language.

There are several computer languages, including Visual Basic, C++, Java, Python, Delphi and many more.

The most simplest computer language is Visual Basic. Since Visual Basic has an IDE (Integrated Development Environment), it makes it seem a lot simpler to the programmer.

You can download Visual Basic at

After you have downloaded Visual Basic, run it and make a Windows Forms Applications.

Follow these instructions to make your first program in Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition.
  1. In the toolbox area, drag or double click on the 'Button' control
  2. Double click on the Button that you have put on the form
  3. When the code pops up, it say:
    • Private Sub Button1_Click (some code here)
    • End Sub
  4. In the space, type in MsgBox ("Hello World")
  5. Run the program by pressing the Green arrow at the top
Congratulations, you have just created your first program!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

How to get a deep voice

free report on how to get a deeper voice
This is a relatively simple and easy way to deepen your voice permanently. It has been used in the entertainment industry for quite a while now.

You know when those narrators for movie trailers read their lines and you're wondering, "Whoa, how does he have such a deep voice?"

Here's a way that you can use to deepen your voice so that hopefully, one day, you'll have deep voice like the narrator.

  1. Say Ding-Dong and hold the ng of the Dong for as long as you can
  2. Now say Bing-Bong the same way you said Ding-Dong
  3. Now King-Kong
  4. Repeat this 3 times
  5. The next day, tilt your head toward the cieling and say Ding-Dong, Bing-Bong and King-Kong the same way you did in step 1, 2, and 3.
  6. Do this exercise for about a month and you should notice your voice deepening

==> For more information on how to get a deep voice, click here.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

How to lose belly fat quickly

Today's generation is the laziest according to scientists. In the last century, a sighting of a fat person was rare, but now a days as technology progresses farther and farther, people tend to sit down all day long while snacking on junk foods like chips while drinking pop.

Many people think that by doing crunches or training their abs, they will burn fat and that is true, but how many calories are we talking about here? Very little is the answer; your muscles don't need a lot of energy to perform contractions and exercise. But, training your abs will help you burn fat more easily. Think of it this way: a car has a small engine therefore uses little gas, but a car with a big engine would use more gas. The same applies to your muscles, the bigger they are, the more fat they burn at rest.

How to burn fat fast:
Most people have a theory that when a person is hungry, he or she would burn more fat on the treadmill then a person who is not. This is not only false, but is quite the opposite of the fact.

When your body is craving for food, it will not use fat for energy unless it has been without food for a week. Instead, it will start using muscle for energy which is the worst thing that could happen. Have you noticed that a big car uses more gas than a small car? That is because the big car's engine is bigger than the small car's. So, if you are planning to lose weight fast, don't workout on an empty stomach on purpose as it will slow down your progress greatly.

Most people believe that reducing the amount of food the body consumes, the more fat it burns which is not true.

The body needs it's daily nutrients like Fat, Carbohydrates, Sugar, and most importantly, protein. Protein is the building factor in the human body as it makes the tissue and the muscle. I can't stress this enough, you need to eat in order to lost weight.

I recommend doing at least 30 minutes of Cardio every day in order to lose fat quickly. Cardio not only burns fat, but it has other health benefits including:
  • Lowering Bad Cholestrol
  • Maintaining Proper Blood Sugar
  • Increasing VO2 Max
  • Maintaining a Proper Blood Circulation
  • Decreases Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
  • And many others
Weight Lifting:
In order to lose weight, you have to put on weight. Weight lifting is an important aspect in fat burning because not only does it incresae muscle mass which burns more fat at rest, but it also raises the human metabolic rate which means you burn more fat when doing nothing at all. Muscle mass is heavier than fat, so don't get shocked when you see that your weight has increased or decresed very slightly.

The benefits of weight lifting include:
  • Increased Strength
  • Increased Blood Flowing Through the Body
  • Increase Metabolic Rate
  • Decreased Body Fat
  • Decreased Bad Cholestrol
  • Stronger Bones
  • Stronger Joints
  • Positive Posture
  • And many more
Long story short; eat your greens. Don't eat fried foods because those pack extra calories and fat that will make you fatter, faster.

I wish you the best of luck on your transformation.

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